FLOW – Breaking the Business Norm by Bringing in Mind, Body, and Spirit with Lisa MK Ling artwork
How I Broke That

FLOW – Breaking the Business Norm by Bringing in Mind, Body, and Spirit with Lisa MK Ling

  • E6
  • 34:41
  • January 26th 2022

“Take a Pause. Breathe in. Breath out. And Smile.”

If you’re tired of the stress typical business building brings, Lisa MK Ling is the voice for you. She’s shattering the entrepreneurial norm by bringing the power of healthy minds, bodies, and spirits into the workspace.

Lisa is a Human Potential Coach along with countless other roles. Most notably, she’s transforming lives with her FLOW approach, supporting entrepreneurs in industries of all kinds. 

What can Lisa’s innovative efforts do for you as you strive to build —and break parts of— your own business? Tune into today’s show to find out.

How I Broke That

For better or worse, most business owners have “broken” themselves, their business, or their industry at some point. Josh Chernikoff, a serial entrepreneur who has successfully grown (and broken) three bootstrapped businesses, interviews other entrepreneurs to learn how they built, broke, and rebuilt within their industry. Each episode will simultaneously induce cringes and provide comfort in helping you realize you are not alone in breaking something on your path to innovation.

Twitter @jdchernikoff

Instagram @joshuadcdc
