From City Buses to Symphonies — Gil Gutierrez’s Guitarist Success artwork
How I Broke That

From City Buses to Symphonies — Gil Gutierrez’s Guitarist Success

  • E8
  • 33:31
  • April 1st 2022

Gil Gutierrez grew up in a humble home, where he wanted to learn cello but was gifted a guitar instead. His creativity and motivation couldn’t be stopped by small bumps in the road. Gutierrez has several impressive stats, including:

  • Starting his performance career at age 14.
  • Paying for college by playing guitar on city buses.
  • Starting a band, soloing in symphonies, performing in Carnegie hall, and more.

Listen along as we discover where Gutierrez finds his inspiration to overcome and succeed in classical music. We may even get a glimpse into his unique, Cuban-Mexican style along the way.

How I Broke That

For better or worse, most business owners have “broken” themselves, their business, or their industry at some point. Josh Chernikoff, a serial entrepreneur who has successfully grown (and broken) three bootstrapped businesses, interviews other entrepreneurs to learn how they built, broke, and rebuilt within their industry. Each episode will simultaneously induce cringes and provide comfort in helping you realize you are not alone in breaking something on your path to innovation.

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