Operation BBQ Relief - Stan Hays, Co-Founder and CEO artwork
Humans Helping Humans

Operation BBQ Relief - Stan Hays, Co-Founder and CEO

  • S2E8
  • 1:00:46
  • October 12th 2021

Today Luke talks with Stan Hays, a fellow CNN Hero about his amazing work feeding first responders and communities affected by natural disasters. 9.4 million meals to date and counting.

Find out more about how you can help:https://operationbbqrelief.org

Humans Helping Humans

In 2012, Sleep in Heavenly Peace was founded as a non-profit that partners with the community to build bunk beds for kids who are sleeping on the floor. We have over 200 chapters, in nearly 50 states and 3 countries. During our 8 year journey, we've heard some amazing stories that we want to share with you.

Why Humans Helping Humans? Because that's what SHP does and that's who we are. You'll hear some amazing stories from the very people who make SHP the movement that it is. Stories are one of the most powerful ways that we communicate and our goal is to share these stories that capture the beauty of life through the lense of some truly and selfless and amazing people.

We all can sure use a good story to lift our spirits.

Support Us

At SHP, we fully believe that a bed is a basic need for the proper physical, emotional, and mental support that a child needs. We're a national organization answering the call to a national problem, and your donations go directly to building beds and our organization to helping a kid in need get off the floor.