Church, Who are you - Part 2 artwork
W2NM Ignition Point

Church, Who are you - Part 2

  • E2
  • 18:29
  • February 15th 2021

In the Acts of the Apostles or the Acts of the Holy Spirit in the church, the disciples were first called Christians at Antioch. Not the Apostles; the disciples. These were the everyday people like you and me. They did not mean Christian to be their last name just as it is not Jesus’ last name. He was not born to Mary and Joseph Christ. The word ‘Christ’ told of who Jesus is, the Anointed One and His Anointing. Christians meant the Christ-like ones. What did the people of Antioch see in these early believers that caused them to link them to Jesus? Acts 11:19-27 provides us with some clues. These people were persecuted, displaced from their homes, living in foreign lands - sojourners, but they would not be silenced. They were bold risk-takers, stepped out of the norm to reach gentiles and they were dominion minded. 

W2NM Ignition Point

Ayodola (Ayo) Dahunsi is a passionate advocate for spirit-led development and actualization. Ayo believes that anyone can attain personal excellence and growth in their life, marriage and career if they give the word of God first place and if they intentionally develop and use their strengths.