Episode 3: What the f*ck is sleep? artwork
Inside Dad: the struggles of a new dad in a pandemic

Episode 3: What the f*ck is sleep?

  • S1E3
  • 19:10
  • April 18th 2020

One of the trickiest aspects of a newborn is dealing with sleep. We need it, it's that simple. Whether you're staying at home full-time or you're working (from home or on the front line), you need to try and get as much shut eye as you can for your own mental health as well as that of your newborn and their mother. Episode 3 is all about sleep as well as the usual funny little anecdotes that come with being a new dad...

Inside Dad: the struggles of a new dad in a pandemic

It was always going to be hard, but not this hard right guys? Made for Dads who are struggling with their mental health and need support at the hardest time imaginable to be a new father, these are the often touching, sometimes funny rantings and ramblings of a brand new father in lock down, who's baby was born in the midst of the 2020 coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic.