Cyber Security: Why The New Model Is Transforming Business Performance. With Ciaran Kenny. artwork
Interstellar Business Show

Cyber Security: Why The New Model Is Transforming Business Performance. With Ciaran Kenny.

  • S1E22
  • 47:34
  • November 11th 2021

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Let me ask you a question...

Do you think information is boring?

I mean… it is kind of boring when you first think about it.

Who wants to take information our for dinner?

Or meet information for a beer?    

No One. That’s who.

But here’s the thing... information is vitally important to our companies.

We might not like it. Or think it’s sexy.

But when we can’t get our hands on the information we need…

Or when people try to hack into our business... and do bad things to our information…

We suddenly have a whole new appreciation for it.

We suddenly realise how important that information is to our business.

And if we're honest with ourselves…

We’d probably admit….

That we don’t spend enough time thinking about how we manage information.

If we did…

We might do a better job of keep companies our secure and also improve the performance of our business…

Now, to help you get a grip on this important topic...

I’ve invited an expert in the subject on to today’s show…

Today, I’m joined by Ciaran Kenny, Security Lead at Macnamara ICT.  

Ciaran is a top level authority on information management and security… 

and I know that you will benefit from listening to his ideas.

In today's episode, we'll look at

  • The IT couch… where and why your information is getting lost
  • How the old approach to IT is leaving companies vulnerable to the bad guys
  • How to get to grips with the information inf your business
  • Plus, actionable steps that you can take

Please make sure you subscribe and follow us wherever you're listening today. So you never miss an episode again.    

Show Notes

More about Ciaran Kenny...

Read the Macnamara blog at

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Interstellar Business Show

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"Learning and innovation go hand in hand. The arrogance of success is to think that what you did yesterday will be sufficient for tomorrow." - William Pollard

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