The Tragedy of American Relations with Hispanic America artwork
Justice In His Kingdom

The Tragedy of American Relations with Hispanic America

  • S1E4
  • 1:12:44
  • May 5th 2020

Jerri Lynn and Roger discuss the history, causes, and effects of the tragic relationship between the United States and Hispanic America in light of God’s law and expectations for justice as it applies to foreign relations.

Reading List

No God Next Door: Red Rule in Mexico and Our Responsibility by Father Michael Kenny

Tree of Hate: Propaganda and Prejudices Affecting United States Relations with the Hispanic World by Philip Wayne Powell

Mexico’s Miguel Caldera: The Taming of America’s First Frontier, 1548-1597 by Philip Wayne Powell

Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation & Political Control by E. Michael Jones

Justice In His Kingdom

Justice in His Kingdom Podcast will help you understand God’s standards for justice and how to break free of pagan, pragmatic ideas about how it should be defined and implemented.