I Shifted My Life Through A Renewed Mind
- E73
- 50:26
- August 19th 2022
Dr. Nicckay interviews Porche from Nigeria she has a powerful story of overcoming.
Kingdom Talk Broadcast Radio with Dr. Nicckay Natson
Kingdom Talk Broadcast Radio is a inspirational show that shares stories/testimonials and discusses a variety of topics to inform, encourage, educate and empower you with wisdom nuggets to shift and transform your life and thought process and to bring you success so you can be the authentic you knowing that you can rise above any obstacle.

Dr. Nicckay Natson known as the General of Prayer and Intercession. She is one of Gods watchman. She loves being in the presence of God. Intercession is at the heart of this precious woman of God. Intercession was birth out of Dr. Nicckay because of her own personal trials and having to go deeper in her prayer life and in her relationship with the Lord. She had to learn how to put her trust in God no matter what. It birth a warrior and warhead out of her in the realm of the spirit. She spends time in the presence of God through prayer and in fasting and believes that this is an important and vital part of the intercessors and in the life of the believer to gain strategies on living in this world but not being of this world. She believe that the impartation received from heaven will birth out multi-billion dollar ideas and strategies for wealth and entrepernuership and you tap into realms that you were not privy to. The Lord has called this woman of God to people of influence that will dominate in this earth in the arena of the 7 mountains of this earth. The Lord will break the jaw of the enemy and give us his neck and its all through the posture called prayer. Dr. Nicckay is a Kingdom Sniper. She shifts things in the earth through her faith and her prayers. As a General of Prayer and Intercession, Dr. Nicckay raises up other intercessors, watchman, prayer warriors and gatekeepers by instructing, developing, equipping and teaching them the strategies to become a sharpshooter and skilled marksman in the spirit. Those that she equips she helps them to draw closer to God and gain access to cultivate rivers of living water that birth out deeper wells of intercession from a pure uncontaminated place.
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