Leadership Babes


  • S2E23
  • 30:38
  • November 23rd 2022

In this episode, our babe Laura Wizman, co-founder of Leadership Babes, takes you behind what has been one of the most transformative seasons of her life.

Following that inner feeling that a massive REBIRTH is on the horizon, she shares with you how shedding layers, shadow work and creating space for deep healing will propel you to "HER" your highest future self.

Laura takes you along the journey, sharing what it takes to show up in your most authentic form. Diving into 3 key pillars - inner Trust, Confidence and the Visualization process. Taking you through her own journaling prompts, asking you to reflect on what it is you truly want? How you can break out of your own glass ceiling? And what does showing up as your future self look like?

She is here to remind you that you can re create yourself as many times as you want. It is time to dream big, bigger than past limitations. Allowing your intuition to guide you, while being open to the unexpected possibilities, no matter how unconventional they might seem.

Tune in and share your thoughts X

You can connect with Laura HERE and all other social platforms via her link in bio.

Follow along the journey with us on Instagram @leadershipbabes to get a deeper connection to the community and be the first to know as soon as a new episode drops. 

To connect with Atena Morelli click HERE 

Leadership Babes

Welcome to Leadership Babes - an upbeat and supportive space that will inspire you to “ignite the leader within'' in every single aspect of your life! You can expect deep, insightful chats on all things mindset, manifestation and the ebbs and flows of what it takes to commit to living your best, most empowered life. 

 Will share the lessons, the love and the leadership skills, alongside raw and inspired conversations between us, trendsetters and entrepreneurs that have paved the way. It’s time to give yourself permission to choose again every single day to live a life based on your wildest dreams. 

Join us as we help keep you accountable, shift your mindset and guide you through what it takes to commit to yourself. Think of us as your virtual bffs, here to cheer you on, inspire and encourage you every step of the way!

 So get ready to set intentions, get energized and level up - It’s time to take the lead! 

Follow along the journey with us on Instagram @leadershipbabes to get a deeper connection to the community and be the first to know as soon as a new episode drops. 

 To connect with Atena Morelli click HERE

To connect with Laura Wizman click HERE.