Unfenced & Unchecked: The Escalating Border Issue artwork
The Liberty Lens - A Traditional, Conservative Commentary on Modern Political Nonsense

Unfenced & Unchecked: The Escalating Border Issue

  • S1E2
  • 03:56
  • September 27th 2023

The Zero Hedge Piece: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/biden-orders-border-patrol-cut-barbed-wire-fences-holding-back-masses-migrants

In this episode of The Liberty Lens, join your host, Liberty, as she delves into the escalating border crisis, a concern transcending political affiliations. With cities across the nation feeling the strain, the situation is becoming unavoidable and demands attention.

Liberty dissects a recent article from Zero Hedge, shedding light on the Biden Administration's controversial orders to the Border Patrol to cut barbed wire fences, effectively allowing a free pass for a significant influx of migrants. Despite emergency orders and record migrant crossings, the federal government's actions appear contrary to resolving the issue, raising numerous questions and concerns.

The episode further explores the administration's efforts seemingly undermining border security, the fight to end Title 42, and the lawsuit against Texas's border security measures. With reports of the White House ordering the cutting of barbed wire fences put in place by Texas DPS, the situation is reaching a critical point.

Liberty also brings attention to alarming statistics and predictions regarding the potential increase in illegal migrants by the end of President Biden's first term, highlighting the profound impact on the nation's demographic and economic stability.

Tune in to The Liberty Lens as Liberty navigates these complex issues, offering insight, analysis, and a call to awareness and action. Engage in the conversation, share your thoughts, and explore the links provided in the episode description for a deeper understanding of the unfolding border crisis.

Don't miss this eye-opening episode of The Liberty Lens, where clarity meets conviction in the pursuit of truth and liberty. Join Liberty in unraveling the intricate web of the border crisis and its far-reaching implications. Your journey into the heart of freedom and awareness begins here at The Liberty Lens.

The Liberty Lens - A Traditional, Conservative Commentary on Modern Political Nonsense

Welcome to "The Liberty Lens," a podcast where clarity meets conviction, hosted by Justin West and Liberty Stevens. In a world clouded with political doublespeak and hidden agendas, "The Liberty Lens" stands as a beacon of truth, providing a clear vision of freedom and fairness.

Justin West, a husband and father of 5, and dedicated advocate for freedom and transparency, brings to the table a wealth of knowledge and a commitment to presenting facts without the filter of mainstream bias. His analytical approach and passion for truth shine as he dissects current events, offering insight and understanding from a uniquely liberty-minded perspective.

Liberty Stevens, embodying her namesake, is a fervent defender of individual rights and a staunch critic of governmental overreach. Her articulate and informed viewpoints offer a refreshing perspective in the quest for a free and just society. Liberty's unwavering commitment to highlighting the importance of personal freedom and skepticism towards expansive governmental power resonates throughout each episode.

Together, Justin and Liberty delve into the pressing issues of our time, peeling back the layers of misinformation and guiding listeners towards a more informed and liberty-focused viewpoint. "The Liberty Lens" is not just a podcast; it's a community of like-minded individuals dedicated to the pursuit of truth, freedom, and the protection of individual rights. Join us as we explore the issues that matter, viewing the world through the clear and focused lens of liberty.