When God Asks the Impossible artwork
Living Lite Today with Ron Lambros

When God Asks the Impossible

  • S3E46
  • 23:49
  • February 7th 2022

Anyone who listens to this podcast very often can quickly tell that I love old television programs, especially The Andy Griffith Show. I’ve seen every episode multiple times and I drive Bridget absolutely crazy by reciting the lines of the show before the characters say them. To me, it is still one of the best programs ever produced and will never be duplicated.

Another one of my favorites was Mission Impossible. Now, to be honest, many people never knew it was an incredibly popular television series long before it became a 4-billion-dollar box office sensation starring Tom Cruise, but it was.

It was ahead of its time for broadcast television. It featured drama, intrigue, special effects, scientific ingenuity, covert action and secrecy, and had an all-star cast like Peter Graves, Martin Landau, Sam Elliot, and Leonard Nimoy, just to name a few.

Now, the premise of each episode was always the same: A group of undercover agents was sent out to perform a dangerous, seemingly impossible, task. One of the agents was given a case file containing an audio recording that detailed the mission. The tape was then played and always included: Your mission, should you decide to accept it, and would then conclude with the assurance that, as always, should you or any member of your team be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. This tape will self-destruct in five seconds. Good luck, Jim. The tape machine and audio recording then went up in smoke and flames. It made for a great hour of television and proved each week that nothing is impossible. 

But life isn’t always like that, is it? Sometimes, we’re faced with, or asked to do, what seems impossible to us. And we often scratch our heads and wonder how in the world we got ourselves into the situation in the first place, and, more than that, how we’re going to get out of it and promise never to get in that situation again.

But, what if it’s God who’s asking you to do it? What if you find yourself face-to-face with God Himself asking you to do something you see absolutely no way of doing, staring straight into the abyss of the mind-blowing impossible? What then?

Well, stay with me, because I’ll be talking about that today as we ask and answer the question of what to do: When God Asks the Impossible! That’s coming up on this episode of Living Lite Today!

Living Lite Today with Ron Lambros

Living Lite Today is a weekly podcast from Ron Lambros Ministries, Inc., a non-profit ministry established to help churches and non-profits become all that God intends them to be.

The Living Lite Today podcast is produced to offer hope, strength, and encouragement to anyone and everyone who is bogged down and burdened with the “baggage” of daily life. We’ll deal with real-life topics like relationships, finances, parenting/grand-parenting, spiritual growth, stress, fear, anxiety, discouragement, and so many other things that we all face as we live our lives, and learn how we can deal with them the way God wants us to.

I hope you make Living Lite Today part of your weekly routine and share it often with your friends. We can all use a little help to make our lives brighter and better...just the way God intends.