You Must Be Born Again! artwork
Living Lite Today with Ron Lambros

You Must Be Born Again!

  • S3E50
  • 25:24
  • April 11th 2022

I had oral surgery earlier this week to alleviate some issues I’ve endured for far too long. The procedure went well and I was getting ready to leave the surgeon’s office when his assistant handed me a sheet of paper with information typed out on both sides.

She smiled and told me that once the Novocain wore off, I’d want to read both pages because it contained all the information I needed for after-surgery pain management and care. I read it before I got to the car!

True to her word, those instructions saved me from what could have been an extremely painful after-surgery experience, but, by following the directions on those pages, my after-surgery effects were fairly mild and tolerable.

You know, God has directions, too and if we follow them, our lives can be rich and full, but, if we don’t…well, the outcome might not be as pleasant.

On today’s podcast, we’ll look at, perhaps, the greatest instructions that we ever received, and the eternal consequences that come from either following them or rejecting them.

 Stay with me as we talk about: You Must Be Born Again! That’s coming up on this episode of Living Lite Today.


Living Lite Today with Ron Lambros

Living Lite Today is a weekly podcast from Ron Lambros Ministries, Inc., a non-profit ministry established to help churches and non-profits become all that God intends them to be.

The Living Lite Today podcast is produced to offer hope, strength, and encouragement to anyone and everyone who is bogged down and burdened with the “baggage” of daily life. We’ll deal with real-life topics like relationships, finances, parenting/grand-parenting, spiritual growth, stress, fear, anxiety, discouragement, and so many other things that we all face as we live our lives, and learn how we can deal with them the way God wants us to.

I hope you make Living Lite Today part of your weekly routine and share it often with your friends. We can all use a little help to make our lives brighter and better...just the way God intends.