Supervisor Caleb Kershner and Supervisor Tony Buffington - Rural Teleconference 5/1/2020 artwork
LoudounPossible Pod

Supervisor Caleb Kershner and Supervisor Tony Buffington - Rural Teleconference 5/1/2020

  • S1E14
  • 15:02
  • May 1st 2020

In this episode, we're bringing you the some highlights from Loudoun County, Virginia Supervisor Caleb Kershner and Supervisor Tony Buffington's Rural Teleconferece held on Tuesday night. There was a lot of really good information from the Supervisors and other guests, including myself, Beth Erickson of Visit Loudoun, Eric Byrd from the Loudoun SBDC, BCT, Alice Frazier, CEO of BCT, The Community Bank, Pete Snyder of Disruptor Capital and the man behind the 30 day fund, and Ryan Lambert with the Small Business Administration.  

Rural businesses play an important role in Loudoun County, and like all businesses, the businesses in Western Loudoun have been impacted by COVID-19. This pod talks about the Loudoun Business Interruption Fund, working with the EIDL and PPP programs on the federal level, and other resources that have been established. 

LoudounPossible Pod

The "LoudounPossible Pod" is a business podcast focused on the diverse economy of Loudoun, Virginia. From the world's largest concentration of data centers to a thriving rural economy with award winning wineries and breweries, from Dulles International Airport to charming towns and villages, there's something possible for everyone in Loudoun County. For more information, visit biz dot loudoun dot gov or call 1-800-Loudoun.