Transform Your Body and Love Life artwork
Love Machine with James Preece

Transform Your Body and Love Life

  • E141
  • 33:33
  • January 23rd 2023

Are You Looking for a Fresh Start and To Really Start Living Your Life to the Full?


In this episode, James welcomes back the incredible Lara hear about how she's completely transformed herself.

Lara is a multi award winning Matchmaker and owner of the introduction agency The Matchmaker UK

We talked all about her total drug free operation free full body transformation, how she lost almost 7 stone (94lbs) in weight, and how she is able to work with her clients to transform their dating journey!

So many of us wonder why our lives, our love life, our careers, our friendships are just not playing out the way we want….without stopping to ask this simple question...

Am I being kind to myself? If not, how can you change this?

Lara wasn’t kind to herself for years, blaming herself for being depressed, for weight gain, for her divorce, menopause etc

In April 2021 she tarted to learn how to be kind to herself, how to focus on herself,

In the episode, she teaches how to change your own mindset, how to establish & set realistic goals & expectations, how to thrive and how to be successful.

It's a great, inspiring episode that will benefit many listeners at this time of year!

Love Machine with James Preece

Would you like to Find Love, Love Yourself or learn to Love your Life?

James Preece is the UK's leading Dating and Relationship Expert. Each week he explores fun ways to bring love into your life.

Whether you are navigating the dating scene, want more passion and fun in your life, or simply want to learn some cool tips to improve all your relationships, this is the podcast for you!

This is the ultimate dating podcast, with lots of life coaching along the way.

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