The Importance of Being with What Is artwork
Love is All-Ways the Answer

The Importance of Being with What Is

  • S1E11
  • 33:16
  • November 12th 2021

In this episode, Steve talks about how we as humans are usually in pursuit of a different experience than the one we're having - especially if that experience is uncomfortable. As we do this, we miss the present moment and what it's here to teach us and how it can help us heal, develop, and grow. Steve shares some of his experiences with discomfort and then demonstrates how he gets into healthy relationship with what's showing up for him. It's work that's challenging but profoundly healing.

If you would like to learn more about Steve Mattus and his work at ∞actualinfinity, visit his website at

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Love is All-Ways the Answer

A curious exploration of living more deeply into Love in business and life. What would life be like if we could really embody love in our lives? How different would life be if we felt fully, wholly, and completely loved? How do we get there? How do we start? Let's explore all the ways Love can make our lives and businesses better.

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