In conversation with Paul Payne, Best Practice Team  artwork
MacIntyre's Family Podcast

In conversation with Paul Payne, Best Practice Team

  • S3E5
  • 33:59
  • October 27th 2023

Paul Payne talks about his role of 18 years at MacIntyre and the importance of working together and connecting with people with a learning disability and working together for the best outcome.

MacIntyre's Family Podcast

Hi my name is Nicola Payne, I am MacIntyre’s Family Engagement Consultant. MacIntyre wants to reach out to as many people as possible and we thought creating a Family Podcast would be a great way of sharing stories directly from families and from people in the Social Care Sector. We really hope you enjoy the podcasts. Watch out for a monthly release on and you can follow MacIntyre Families on X(Twitter) @MacFamilies