3rd Annual Halloween Mactacular artwork
Making Fun of MacGyver

3rd Annual Halloween Mactacular

  • E90
  • 45:25
  • October 28th 2023

Toniiight, Sam & Jeff go inside the creepy Parker house to welcome trick-or-treaters in their annual audio cringefest! Hear horrible jokes, bad impressions, cheesy sound effects, and listen to Jeff carve MacGyver's face into a pumpkin! It's the spooky season tradition that - for some godforsaken reason - refuses to die!

Making Fun of MacGyver

A rib-tickling takedown of our favorite adventure TV show from the 80s, MacGyver! Join Sam & Jeff as they dig unnecessarily deep into each episode of the series and - perhaps - learn a little something about friendship too. <a rel="payment" href="https://www.patreon.com/c/makingfunofmacgyver">Support the Show!</a>

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