Just a hint of what’s in this episode…
A Red Bull Race Series? Mark Wallace, Mille Johnset & Angel Suarez Team Rumours. Wyn bending the plate in his arm. Why was Ronan Dunne riding gloveless at Hardline? Greg Williamson & Sam Blenkinsop Team Rumours. The return of Sam Hill, Richie Rude & Brendan Fairclough? Wyn racing Loic’s dad. Camille Balanche taking her trailer test. The impossible question. Ronan’s incredible 2022 & who will he be riding for in 2023? Brook MacDonald cooking pasta. Enjoy…
The Making Up The Numbers podcast is sponsored by:
Hope Technology www.hopetech.com @hopetech
J-Tech Suspension www.j-techsuspension.co.uk @jtechsuspension
Revolution Bike Park www.revolutionbikepark.co.uk @revolutionbp
Ride Southern Spain www.ridesouthernspain.com @ridesouthernspain
Schwalbe www.schwalbe.com @schwalbetyresuk
Singletrack www.singletrackworld.com @singletrackmagazine
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Making Up The Numbers
Interviews with the world's fastest Mountain Bikers.