A Safe Way to Talk About Important Subjects | Matched with Archie Messersmith-Bunting artwork

A Safe Way to Talk About Important Subjects | Matched with Archie Messersmith-Bunting

  • S2E11
  • 13:29
  • January 21st 2021

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In season 2 of Matched, our founder, James Mulvany, gets to know some of the incredible people you can connect with on Matchmaker.fm.

Archie is the proud owner of Archie Cares, LLC and is determined to give voice to the voiceless. He battled with drug addiction and clinical depression for more than a decade. His mission in life is to reframe the perception around mental illness & addiction one conversation at a time.

You can connect with Archie over on Matchmaker.fm!


Matched is the official podcast of MatchMaker.fm, the platform that connects podcasters with great guests. The show offers a unique way for guests to share their background, knowledge, and expertise with the rest of the MatchMaker community.

In each episode, a different expert highlights the things that set them apart in their field. So if you’re a podcaster searching for the perfect guest, stay tuned to hear from some of the best minds on MatchMaker.fm.

If you’re a guest and you’d like to appear on Matched, get in touch and let us know why you should be featured on the show!