Sal Di Stefano: Gaining 1000 True Podcast Fans artwork
Meet The Podcasters

Sal Di Stefano: Gaining 1000 True Podcast Fans

  • E12
  • 1:01:54
  • May 13th 2020

Sal Di Stefano hosts Mind Pump, one of the most popular health and fitness podcasts in the world. From humble beginnings in 2014, the show now brings in more than a million downloads every month.

Fed up with pseudo-science and snake oil in fitness, Sal got together with producer Doug Egge and co-hosts Justin Andrews and Adam Schafer to launch Mind Pump. Their mission was simple - use their combined years of experience as personal trainers to bring quality fitness information to the masses with integrity and honesty. 

The Mind Pump team have been truly prolific in their output, releasing new episodes on an almost daily basis. Alongside podcasting they’ve also built a YouTube channel with more than 390,000 subscribers. Over the past five years they’ve experimented with their content to hone in on what works and grow their audience. Today, the story of Mind Pump offers a textbook example of how to build a successful business from a podcast. 

In this interview, James Deeney speaks to Sal about why podcasting is the gold-standard medium for building trust, credibility, and audience loyalty.

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Welcome to Meet The Podcasters! Join James Deeney as he interviews podcasting experts about changes in the industry and what it takes to create successful shows that stand out among the noise.

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James Deeney

    James Deeney is a writer with a special interest in podcasts. Coming from a background in science journalism, he is now the lead content writer at, an all-in-one podcast hosting platform for businesses and content creators.