Prevention of Cervical Cancer With the HPV Vaccine artwork
Menopause Management - Dr. Barbie Taylor

Prevention of Cervical Cancer With the HPV Vaccine

  • S2024E215
  • 23:12
  • March 18th 2024

Prevention of Cervical Cancer With the HPV Vaccine (YouTube Video 352)

There are pro-vaccers and there are anti-vaccers. And that is pertinent to the fact that Cervical Cancer is one of the very few cancers for which we actually have a vaccine to prevent infection with the virus that causes it in the first place. Depending on whether you’re a por-vaccer or an anti-vaccer, you may or may not view that as a good thing. Either way, you should listen to this podcast to get all the facts. Then you can lean whichever way is your way.

Menopause Management - Dr. Barbie Taylor

Dr. Barbie Taylor, also known as “Menopause Barbie,” is an Obstetrician / Gynecologist who retired from active practice in 2001 due to severe arthritis. Despite the fact that she had a law degree and a master’s in business at the time of her retirement (she’s a real nerd and loves school), her true passion has always been helping women.