The Secret of Heather Ale artwork
Myths, Folklore, and Fairytales

The Secret of Heather Ale

  • S1E8
  • 09:10
  • August 3rd 2020

A story from Scotland - don't worry, I'm not on a Scottish kick, it was just an oversight on my part that I would have chosen two Scottish stories so close together. We're reading something from Ethiopia next week so if you're yawning over Scotland, don't fret! More countries are on their way!

Source text:

Narration by Tanner Campbell

Music by Nico Vettese

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Myths, Folklore, and Fairytales

5-15 minute stories, selected from many cultures and countries across time, narrated professionally and paired with original music intended to capture the time period. Some episodes feature discussions, some do not. Show up expecting to hear a story, and you won't be disappointed.