Find your inner harmony with nature's cycles artwork
Midlife Illuminated

Find your inner harmony with nature's cycles

  • S3E60
  • 1:07:51
  • April 4th 2022

As we launch ourselves into spring, it felt the perfect time to share an uplifting conversation about the role of nature's cycles in our life.

My guest is Sadie Pickering - truly someone who is in harmony with nature and who has been a personal inspiration to me for several years. I've learnt so many life-enhancing self-care rituals from Sadie and it's a real pleasure to share them with you too.

Sadie is the founder of Soul Beauty Rituals, which is a unique combination of healing modalities (body/emotional/energy/soul work) that centre around cycles of nature and our own cycles.

I loved chatting to Sadie about how to harness the special energy of spring to achieve the life we wish for; what the moon’s cycles have to do with our wellbeing; how to clean our homes of negative energy and allow space for new, positive things to enter our life; how creativity and confidence are our birthright; and so much more.

Sadie has a background in the creative industries: she was a professional actress for over 20 years, working in television, film and theatre. She is also an accomplished singer/songwriter and crowdfunded to produce her first album ‘Left Over Dust’. She’s always been passionate about the healing arts as well as the creative arts. Through her work now, she helps people to come home to themselves as cyclical beings, to discover their own unique gifts and to live a soul-fulfilled life.

Follow Sadie here:

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Midlife Illuminated

Welcome to Midlife Illuminated!

I’m Suzy Glaskie, Functional Medicine Health Coach and founder of Peppermint Wellness.

I've learnt the hard way how to thrive in midlife. And now I'm looking forward to sharing what I've learnt with you.

I hope that this podcast helps you to rediscover your own light - and start to shine.