How to attract a life of abundance artwork
Midlife Illuminated

How to attract a life of abundance

  • S2E37
  • 1:09:47
  • March 22nd 2021

This episode is a very meaty conversation with an inspirational woman who unashamedly uses her gifts to the full and pursues her dreams - and who encourages others to do the same.

Caroline Britton is an intuitive and transformational coach and an expert in helping people to fulfil their potential.

In this conversation, we go deep into manifesting what we truly want in life - and how to use the simple act of writing down our thoughts as a means to transform our lives.

We also talk about our attitudes to wealth and the self-limiting blocks that so often get in the way of our flourishing financially and in every other area of our life.

I really loved this conversation and have listened to it several times since recording it as Caroline ended up giving me personal advice on it!

Caroline spent 14 years at a global consultancy and now uses her incredibly strong intuition for helping people - and her ability to be able to feel what they feel. 

She's mother to two small children, the owner of a successful, multiple-six-figure business and she runs numerous business and life-changing programs. She's been published in The Telegraph, Red Magazine and Forbes.

For more information on Caroline, head to, follow her on Instagram @carolinebrittoncoaching or join her free Facebook group by searching for Caroline Britton. 

If you'd like to go into the summer feeling calmer, lighter, more positive about yourself and with more energy, join me on my upcoming Wellness Unwrapped Six-Week Programme:

You can find me here:



Midlife Illuminated

Welcome to Midlife Illuminated!

I’m Suzy Glaskie, Functional Medicine Health Coach and founder of Peppermint Wellness.

I've learnt the hard way how to thrive in midlife. And now I'm looking forward to sharing what I've learnt with you.

I hope that this podcast helps you to rediscover your own light - and start to shine.