Thoughts at 50: the lessons that shape my life artwork
Midlife Illuminated

Thoughts at 50: the lessons that shape my life

  • S2E36
  • 26:06
  • March 8th 2021

As I've just turned 50, I thought I'd take the opportunity to pause and reflect on some of the big lessons that now shape my life.

In this very personal episode, I share thoughts on what I've learnt - and what has allowed me to go from burnt-out and floundering at 40 to (mostly!) calm, positive and fulfilled at 50. I really hope my experiences and reflections strike a chord with you.

Having suffered the effects of workplace stress, one of my big missions is to empower other people to self-calm and manage their own stress and anxiety.

I'm holding a free masterclass called "How to Unlock Your Inner Calm" on 17th March, where I'll be sharing the simple but powerful practices that I do every day to ground myself and increase my emotional resilience.

Sign up here to join me:

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Midlife Illuminated

Welcome to Midlife Illuminated!

I’m Suzy Glaskie, Functional Medicine Health Coach and founder of Peppermint Wellness.

I've learnt the hard way how to thrive in midlife. And now I'm looking forward to sharing what I've learnt with you.

I hope that this podcast helps you to rediscover your own light - and start to shine.