Women have always been conditioned to put their own wellbeing last. Research shows that their pets get better care than they do. Pets are wonderful companions: they need and deserve our care. But don't we deserve some care too?
Research has also shown that this "me-last" conditioning leads to serious consequences when it comes to our health outcomes.
For our sakes AND the sake of our loved ones, let's rip up this script and begin a new one. I hope this episode gives you the inspiration to rethink your priorities and discover what lights YOU up.
My website: https://peppermintwellness.co.uk/
Louis' Toucan Water: https://www.toucanwater.com/
Join my in my Freshly Minted membership: https://peppermintwellness.co.uk/freshly-minted-membership/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/peppermintwellness
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PeppermintWellness
My LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/suzyglaskie/
Midlife Illuminated
Welcome to Midlife Illuminated!
I’m Suzy Glaskie, Functional Medicine Health Coach and founder of Peppermint Wellness.
I've learnt the hard way how to thrive in midlife. And now I'm looking forward to sharing what I've learnt with you.
I hope that this podcast helps you to rediscover your own light - and start to shine.