How often do you dwell on what’s “wrong” with you? If you’re like most of us, it’s probably pretty often.
Research shows that if we take the opposite approach – ie focusing on our strengths – we become happier, more resilient and more successful.
In this week’s episode, I share with you a simple way to shift your focus to what’s right with you. Knowing what your top character strengths are will empower you to put your gifts to good use and feel better about yourself.
You can take the free VIA survey here to discover your own unique character strength profile (NB. There’s a version for kids too).
I’d love to hear what your top strengths are and how you use them, so drop me a note to let me know how you get on.
You can contact me via my website or on any of my social media:
Midlife Illuminated
Welcome to Midlife Illuminated!
I’m Suzy Glaskie, Functional Medicine Health Coach and founder of Peppermint Wellness.
I've learnt the hard way how to thrive in midlife. And now I'm looking forward to sharing what I've learnt with you.
I hope that this podcast helps you to rediscover your own light - and start to shine.