Lucinda Hawksley: Biographer artwork

Lucinda Hawksley: Biographer

  • S3E10
  • 36:18
  • January 2nd 2022

Series 3 of the Motherworldly Podcast is about reading, writing, and loving books.

I absolutely defy you to listen to this and not immediately want to read all of Lucinda's books, she is such an engaging speaker, and as a veteran author speaks with authority of her experience of writing and getting published. Find more of her at


A show full of stories, often focused on the 2020 lockdown, women's issues, parenting, that sort of thing.

Karen Hall avatar
Karen Hall

I'm a breastfeeding counsellor, mother and a feminist. I make podcasts because I really like stories as a way of finding different perspectives to explore things from.