217 - Work Lonely artwork
Move Your Desk

217 - Work Lonely

  • E217
  • 38:24
  • May 5th 2024

Are you work lonely?

I didn't realize that this was a thing until I recognized that I had felt it numerous times over the last few years and that others had, too. There are even a couple of courses about it on LinkedIn and other sites.

Perhaps some of you have felt it, too. It was a bit of a shock to my heart and mind to go through this experience after years of what felt like too many interactions to keep up with on a daily basis.

But then....crickets.

No matter your personality, it can be a challenging experience. However, it can be a chance to pause to learn more about yourself, learn or re-learn how to reach out to others in new ways and provide a chance to show more compassion to others as you interact, lead, contribute, and serve.

Though I'm still working through some work loneliness right now, I am very lucky. As I mentioned in this episode, it only takes one person to feel included. You are working on you, of course, but I have at least one co-worker that I can share thoughts with at any time, and it makes all the difference.

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#moveyourdesk #worklonely #lonely #inclusionatwork #personaldevelopmentforwomen #compassion

Move Your Desk

This podcast is for anyone that knows they haven’t yet found and offered up their best work, but are compelled to seek it out and do it.

Rebecca Clark shares stories and practical approaches to life and leveling up at work. And, nudges that encourage you to act on the inner inklings to create and offer up your best self.

Periodically, she interviews amazing individuals that are already in the pursuit of self-improvement.

Are you ready to move your desk?

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