Episode 122 - Offering Up Your Best Work artwork
Move Your Desk

Episode 122 - Offering Up Your Best Work

  • E122
  • 28:49
  • August 24th 2021

At age 16 Sacagawea helped the Lewis & Clark Expedition at a pivotal point on their journey. And, she carried her baby most of the way.

Ann Frank got a journal around 14 years old and wrote in it for two years. It just happened to be the two years that her family was in hiding from the Nazis.

Mother Theresa and Martin Luther King Jr. knew as young children that they had a purpose to pursue in life and that purpose involved helping people.

Benjamin Franklin and Albert Einstein (and his first wife) were full of ideas, theories, and experimenting.

Abraham Lincoln was a voracious reader, despite his lack of schooling, and was able to increase his influence from small town debate stages in Illinois to the Office of the President at a crucial time in the history of the United States.

Harriet Tubman never read, but her ability to strategize, lead, and live a life filled with faith in possibilities gave others courage and strength to fight in another way for the same freedoms Lincoln was seeking.

These are only a few of the people I've been reading about this week from a series of children's books sharing about the lives of influential people.

Most of these people weren't educated by the "you should go to school and get a college degree" standard. Most never retired. They gave their entire lives to a purpose. Some died young (Anne Frank, Sacagawea) and others lived into their 80s.

Each purpose helped people, but in unique and different ways.

They offered up their best work in the way that only they could.

Are you finding and offering up yours?

Move Your Desk

This podcast is for anyone that knows they haven’t yet found and offered up their best work, but are compelled to seek it out and do it.

Rebecca Clark shares stories and practical approaches to life and leveling up at work. And, nudges that encourage you to act on the inner inklings to create and offer up your best self.

Periodically, she interviews amazing individuals that are already in the pursuit of self-improvement.

Are you ready to move your desk?

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