When you uplevel yourself, it's easy to see the weaknesses. And, focus on improving upon them.
But, often the most progress can be found by focusing on strengthening your strengths AND working on limiting beliefs about yourself.
Ceri Payne coaches women in business that have ADHD. ADHD is a strength and a weakness to offering up your best work.
Ceri shared wisdom about capitalizing on your strengths, pacing yourself on the journey, figuring out what you really want to accomplish or become, and uncovering the limiting beliefs about yourself that prevent you from offering up your best work.
Though Ceri focuses on coaching women with ADHD, the wisdom she shares is applicable to all of us on the journey of personal development.
Want to connect to Ceri Payne? She can be found at:
- Website: https://organizedlife.coach/
- Instagram: @ceripaynecoaching
Move Your Desk
This podcast is for anyone that knows they haven’t yet found and offered up their best work, but are compelled to seek it out and do it.
Rebecca Clark shares stories and practical approaches to life and leveling up at work. And, nudges that encourage you to act on the inner inklings to create and offer up your best self.
Periodically, she interviews amazing individuals that are already in the pursuit of self-improvement.
Are you ready to move your desk?
Connect on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/rebeccaclark/
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