Episode 173 - Wisdom from Building Blocks artwork
Move Your Desk

Episode 173 - Wisdom from Building Blocks

  • E173
  • 28:53
  • April 26th 2024

Sometimes playing with everyday toys unveils lessons for work.

Building blocks continue to remind me of lessons in building strong foundations, connections, and the balance between principles and experimental innovations.

I've collected a few thoughts over the past few years as I've built a few structures side by side my son. In this episode I finally share a few that you may find useful as you navigate the world of leadership, teams, and innovation.

Plus, I throw in a conversation my son and I had while making a building recently.

If you haven't done it in a while, pull out the building blocks, lay down on the floor, and experiment with creating something today. Pay attention to the decisions you make along the way. And, perhaps an insight for your own work will crop up.

Move Your Desk

This podcast is for anyone that knows they haven’t yet found and offered up their best work, but are compelled to seek it out and do it.

Rebecca Clark shares stories and practical approaches to life and leveling up at work. And, nudges that encourage you to act on the inner inklings to create and offer up your best self.

Periodically, she interviews amazing individuals that are already in the pursuit of self-improvement.

Are you ready to move your desk?

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