Are you noticing what random acts of kindness are going on around you?
It may even be someone offering "common courtesy" is doing something that is no longer common. But, it may still be appreciated.
As a line from a favorite childhood song points out, "kindness beings with me." At a time of year where gratitude is highlighted, it could be an optimal time to notice when others are extending kindness.
It's worth telling someone you noticed. They just might keep it up and creating a ripple. And, so can you.
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Move Your Desk
This podcast is for anyone that knows they haven’t yet found and offered up their best work, but are compelled to seek it out and do it.
Rebecca Clark shares stories and practical approaches to life and leveling up at work. And, nudges that encourage you to act on the inner inklings to create and offer up your best self.
Periodically, she interviews amazing individuals that are already in the pursuit of self-improvement.
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