Destress with the CATalyst Approach | Kevin Rose  | Episode 110 artwork
Peak Performance Leadership

Destress with the CATalyst Approach | Kevin Rose | Episode 110

  • E110
  • 34:20
  • April 15th 2020

Leaders and their people are constantly under heavy strain. Day in and day out, they are placed under stressors to achieve more with less. Eventually these stressors become too much for any person - leader or follower. We all need to figure out ways to destress and relax but sometimes people can take destressing to the extreme.

As a Manual Therapist for twenty-five years, Kevin has logged over 35,000 hours of clinical practice focusing on improving physiological structure and function. Empowering individuals to achieve wellness, he is a professional speaker/trainer and maintains a thriving bodywork practice. Kevin has

also logged thousands of fieldwork hours in human-animal interaction studies. Combining this fieldwork with his extensive training in human physiology, he created The CATalyst, a human-wild animal interaction experience and an extraordinary approach to wellness and peace. 

CATalyst Approach Topics

During this interview Kevin and I discuss the following topics:

  • What the CATalyst Program is
  • How he developed the CATalyst Program
  • How exotic animals help people destress
  • How “grounding” works to help leaders with stress
  • Common indicators of stress upcoming
  • How leaders can train their entire team in this Approach

For the complete show notes, be sure to check out our website:

Peak Performance Leadership Leadership

As the world continues to accelerate in complexity and ambiguity, leaders cannot afford to settle for mediocrity. You need to be at your best, your team does, as well as your organization. Thus, you need to be peak performers. The Peak Performance Leadership Podcast is here for you to achieve just that.

This weekly podcast will help you find new ways to become the best leader than you can be. I take the lessons learned from my 20+ years of leadership experience coupled with the world's best guests in all areas of leadership to give you a leading edge.

This show focuses on the three domains of leadership:

  • Leading Yourself - learn how to perform at your peak, to ensure that you have the mindset of a leader, set and crush your goals.
  • Leading Your Team - learn how to inspire and motivate your team. Build a cohesive team through trust and mutual goals.
  • Leading Your organization - efficiency and effectiveness are what drives bottom line. You as the leader must harness these aspects along with culture and so much more!

In the end you'll become a LEADER and not "BOSS". Are you ready for more? Access all of our resources at: