Getting Found | The Million Dollar Recruiter Brianna Rooney | Episode 79 artwork
Peak Performance Leadership

Getting Found | The Million Dollar Recruiter Brianna Rooney | Episode 79

  • E79
  • 37:50
  • May 22nd 2019

A common problem for leaders worldwide is that they often hit that glass ceiling within their current organization. Additionally, many leaders have the hunger to move forward in gaining more responsibilities and larger numbers of subordinates to lead. However, the problem that they often run into is getting found by organizations looking for their skill sets. This is where the services of a recruiter can come in where they can connect you with the right organization. Also, the inverse situation is possible, where you are leader looking to fill a vacancy. Either way, this is where my guest Brianna Rooney comes in.

Brianna is a fierce, passionate, money motivated entrepreneur. She owns Techees, a very successful recruiting firm for the last 8 1/2 years. She has helped grow many tech-focused companies in the Bay Area. Highly sought-after software engineers is her specialty. Now with over 10 years experience, she is the leader in the industry and the ultimate matchmaker. Taking pride with a creative personal touch. Brianna now trains people to do the same thing. “Everyone is capable if they want it.” She feels she was lucky enough to have this opportunity fall into her lap. But was hungry enough to make it work. She too can point you in the direction to starting your own journey to a rewarding lucrative career.

Getting Found with the Million Dollar Topics

During this conversation, Brianna and I discuss the following topics:

  • Her background and how she got to where she is today.
  • Leadership lessons which she has learned during her journey
  • The hardest challenge she faced to get Techees up and going
  • How leaders can get promoted within their own organization
  • How leaders can get recognized by recruiters
  • Characteristics leaders should look for in a recruiter
  • How leaders can use recruiters to fill positions within their organizations

For the complete show notes, be sure to check out our website:

Peak Performance Leadership Leadership

As the world continues to accelerate in complexity and ambiguity, leaders cannot afford to settle for mediocrity. You need to be at your best, your team does, as well as your organization. Thus, you need to be peak performers. The Peak Performance Leadership Podcast is here for you to achieve just that.

This weekly podcast will help you find new ways to become the best leader than you can be. I take the lessons learned from my 20+ years of leadership experience coupled with the world's best guests in all areas of leadership to give you a leading edge.

This show focuses on the three domains of leadership:

  • Leading Yourself - learn how to perform at your peak, to ensure that you have the mindset of a leader, set and crush your goals.
  • Leading Your Team - learn how to inspire and motivate your team. Build a cohesive team through trust and mutual goals.
  • Leading Your organization - efficiency and effectiveness are what drives bottom line. You as the leader must harness these aspects along with culture and so much more!

In the end you'll become a LEADER and not "BOSS". Are you ready for more? Access all of our resources at: