6 Lessons Children Teach Us About Business artwork
Honest Me

6 Lessons Children Teach Us About Business

  • S1E4
  • 24:07
  • July 27th 2024

A great teacher once said to be like children. How well does that apply to life through business? Here’s a deep dive into growing brain activity, personal experience and observations.

I’ve discovered five lessons children teach us about business. This article will cover:

  1. Look Ahead with Wonder.
  2. Absorb Like Sponges.
  3. Follow the Fun.
  4. Ask ‘Why’ a Lot.
  5. Have No Sense of Failure.
  6. Make Friends Everywhere.

BLOG POST: https://mrashleyball.com/6-lessons-children-teach-us-about-business/

Honest Me

A bi-weekly dive into the honest world of business, freelancing and being an entrepreneur.

Dissecting moments as our most truest self, the honesty inbetween. Take a glimpse into human nature and what drives us.

  • What does success mean?
  • What is personal growth?
  • Why move forward in life?

We'll balance lifestyle, education and productivity with a splash of tech.

  • Get creative.
  • Be curious.
  • Follow the fun.

----- About author -----

Hi, I'm Ash. I'm a teacher, web designer and content creator from Australia. I focus on making things simple. I like staying connected, learning about design and being an entrepreneur. Subscribe to my weekly newsletter.