Sophie Darlington: 'I think we have an emotional connection to beauty' artwork
Natural Wanders - The Plodcast.

Sophie Darlington: 'I think we have an emotional connection to beauty'

  • S1E5
  • 44:36
  • September 12th 2020

Wildlife camerawoman Sophie Darlington joins us for a wander in the rain in our latest Plodcast, as we chat about diversity, how we portray nature and the tree that started it all. 

Natural Wanders - The Plodcast.

Natural Wanders is a 'Plodcast' that gets you outside to connect with people and nature. In each episode, Mandi Stark is joined for a chat by a guest wanderer from the worlds of TV, film, wildlife or conservation as they take an exploratory plod around a wild place they love.