Quintin Cameron | A Film Director Going All the Way
- S1E37
- 1:12:50
- February 19th 2021
In this episode, we explore California-based filmmaker Quinton Cameron’s journey, the lessons learned, and the risks and rewards he’s encountered along the way. He’s gone through some drastic changes just in the past few years, so he’s got plenty to share with us.
What was the breaking point? Quinton takes us back to his college days where he was a Biology student on a scholarship, and it was to go full force in his academic career or go all-in on filmmaking.
Listen to the journey and to find out Quinton’s biggest takeaways, and learn what he applied to grow his Instagram reach so crazy fast, you’ll want to tune in to this episode.
Thanks to Sock Season for sponsoring this episode.
Follow Quintin on Instagram: 👉 https://instagram.com/quinton.cameron
Follow Petty’s Apartment (Comedy Sketches)👉 https://instagram.com/pettyapartment
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The Jordan Baylor Draft
A written draft like all things begins with an idea.
"The Jordan Baylor Draft" is an interview series hosted by Jordan Baylor, as he digs into the minds of the movers and shakers in life, business and entertainment!
Every day is a new draft, let us get to writing.