Vivian Acquah |  Everyday Improvements Through the Workplace artwork
The Jordan Baylor Draft

Vivian Acquah | Everyday Improvements Through the Workplace

  • S1E16
  • 28:12
  • May 19th 2020

With Corona floating through the air and so much talk of job loss and unemployment, it’s very easy to forget about who is still working and the state of the workplace. That’s where Vivian Acquah comes in; she is a Workplace Wellness Advocate. Who’s thoughts on remote working and the future of the workplace had my head spinning. In all honesty, I had never given much thought to the state of the workplace and how we can actively seek improvement.

Vivian opened my eyes that everything is consistently an active project in need of improvement. 

I bring to you the work changing - Vivian Acquah

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The Jordan Baylor Draft

A written draft like all things begins with an idea.

"The Jordan Baylor Draft" is an interview series hosted by Jordan Baylor, as he digs into the minds of the movers and shakers in life, business and entertainment!

Every day is a new draft, let us get to writing.

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