Brenden Kumarasamy | The Master of Talk artwork
The Jordan Baylor Draft

Brenden Kumarasamy | The Master of Talk

  • S1E25
  • 49:27
  • August 31st 2020

Speech, speaking, expressing our thoughts, we do things every day, yet we don’t think about how our opinions, communications, and expressions are coming across. 

Today’s episode, I spoke with Brenden Kumarasamy on his plans for becoming the #1 speaking coach in the world, his relentless belief in himself, and why you should disregard other's thoughts and go all-in on yourself.

He is an incredibly inspirational and self-driven young man who, with his commitment, I sincerely believe will accomplish anything he focuses on his mind.

If you can glean half of this man's hustle, you will be 100 steps ahead of the game. It is without further ado I bring you my interview with Brendan.

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The Jordan Baylor Draft

A written draft like all things begins with an idea.

"The Jordan Baylor Draft" is an interview series hosted by Jordan Baylor, as he digs into the minds of the movers and shakers in life, business and entertainment!

Every day is a new draft, let us get to writing.

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