Leading with purpose artwork
Pass It On by FUTURES Network

Leading with purpose

  • S3E1
  • 38:30
  • February 27th 2023

Rania Robinson - CEO at Quiet Storm and President of WACL - talks to Gina Hood from FUTURES about leading with purpose. They discuss how to build values and behaviours into businesses, find your own personal purpose, and the importance of looking after yourself mentally to protect this.

Pass It On by FUTURES Network

Welcome to Pass It On, a podcast brought to you by FUTURES Network. A community group that helps women reach leadership positions through the power of insight, connection and solutions.

In these 30 minute conversations we chat to inspiring people about their personal stories, career journeys and life experiences.

Our aim is to pass on the learnings that these brilliant people have learnt, so that we can help more people thrive at work and in life too.