Decoding People for Happy and Profitable Workplaces with Marie Gervais artwork
FlowPreneur™ Unshakeable Leadership

Decoding People for Happy and Profitable Workplaces with Marie Gervais

  • E18
  • 20:23
  • October 1st 2020

To achieve a productive and profitable workplace, leaders need people-decoding skills to disentangle the stress, anxiety, and workplace conflicts.   

Marie Gervais believes that a happy workplace lies at the heart of this. Her mission is to build workplace capacity characterized by real communications that acknowledge people for who they are.  

Using the S.W.E.L. model of safety, wellness, encouragement, and learning, Marie focuses on building confidence and intercultural communication. Through both online courses and web coaching, Marie helps two levels of managers build their people skills and see visible results. She helps:  

  • Front and middle managers increase their confidence and skill range.  
  • Executive Managers reduce stress, increase their sense of purpose, and manage with empathy.  

Marie is also a podcaster with a podcast called ‘Culture and Leadership Connections.’ 

In this episode, Marie shares insights on how to understand culture, race, religion, ethnicity, and language. She also underlines the unconscious biases leaders have within decision-making.  Recognizing and adjusting these make for a happier, more productive, and more profitable workplace.

What you will learn from this episode: 

  • Learn about the self-awareness package that helps you become a more collaborative leader 
  • Find out how unconscious bias negatively impacts decision making  
  • Discover the power of naming an emotion and its positive impact on making effective decisions

“Start paying attention to the fact that you have feelings. So, notice an emotion and then name it yourself.” 

 - Marie Gervais

Topics Covered:

01:56 - What are ‘people decoding skills’? 

04:06 - Why ‘people decoding skills’ are essential? 

04:38 - The biggest challenge that she keeps running across with her clients 

05:49 - Of emotional intelligence, emotional resiliency, emotional resets, and emotional awareness 

09:08 - One actionable tip to help leaders in their decision-making: Start paying attention to the fact that you have feelings. So, notice an emotion and then name it yourself. 

12:08 - What comes next after being free when naming your emotion 

13:23 - Get your FREE one-month Emotional Insider Membership. Click here: 

15:25 - Why does it matter for leaders to acknowledge their own emotions? 

17:18 - Why do we make decisions based on our authentic selves?

Key Takeaways:

“The keys to a decoding process typically have something to do with communication, understanding different personality types, and different cultural conflict styles.” 

“What I find as the biggest challenge is people do not recognize the role their own emotions play in their decision making.” 

“To learn to be self-aware, recognizing, and naming and understanding your emotions is really critical.” 

“Being aware of your own emotions helps you to start to see other people for who they are instead of putting them into a box.” 


Connect with Marie Gervais:

FlowPreneur™ Unshakeable Leadership

The mission of FlowPreneur™ Unshakeable Leadership Podcast is to share proven performance nuggets with Business owners and leaders who want to deepen their impact – at both work and home. We share at least one actionable idea to transform yourself and your team using our “5 questions in 15 minutes” format.