Defining Your Life’s Purpose with Michael Seaver  artwork
FlowPreneur™ Unshakeable Leadership

Defining Your Life’s Purpose with Michael Seaver

  • E22
  • 20:26
  • October 29th 2020

What is so important about the clarity of purpose? 

It’s all about meeting a person’s need for personal growth and development as well as the opportunity to contribute to something bigger than yourself. Bottom line, it’s a direct route to happiness and joy. 

Michael S. Seaver is an award-winning executive coach, author, keynote speaker, and podcast host with expertise in executive leadership, personal branding, change management, organizational effectiveness, and employee engagement. He is the author of 200+blogs, contributor to Forbes, and is a graduate of the Thunderbird School of Global Management MBA. 

In this episode, Michael shares how to live at your best on a day-to-day basis by focusing on your top five personal core values. This is how you become the authentic leader the world needs you to be.  

What you will learn from this episode: 

  • Learn how to uncover your life’s purpose to grow and develop yourself and add value to other people’s lives 
  • Find out how your clarity of purpose gives other people the opportunity to authentically express themselves in meaningful ways 
  • Discover about the essential ways of becoming an authentic and emotionally intelligent leader who knows how to align and empowers people to achieve a common goal 

“By being authentic, we're showing what our purpose is to others. I think we give people that opportunity to express themselves in a more authentic, deeply meaningful way.”  

- Michael Seaver 

Topics Covered: 

01:57 - Defining your life’s purpose 

03:12 - Uncovering that purpose within us 

03:41 - What are the top two core human needs? 

04:25 - An internal work that leads to external benefits 

05:45 - Walking into our authentic power is not an overnight success 

07:04 - The trap they fall into when leaders don’t have clarity of life’s purpose 

10:02 - What triggers the shift to showing up authentic 

10:57 - Actionable tips to help you uncover clarity of purpose 

12:15 - How to resolve values conflicts 

13:22 - For your FREE tools to help you find clarity of purpose, download a four-page PDF called ‘Choose Your Boss, not your Job’ and an eBook called ‘Authenticity is the Way’. Click here: 

14:34 - As a teenager or in your early to mid-20s, what recurring challenge were you confronted by?  

16:17 - The need to build emotional resilience to overcome the challenge 

17:36 - Be the person you needed when you were younger 

Key Takeaways: 

“I think there's kind of that intuitive knowing that people are going to gravitate to others who make them feel safe, who make them feel like it's okay to take a calculated risk or who make them feel, it's okay to show up as themselves and really express themselves of their opinion in some sort of way.” 

“Leaders who don't know their life's purpose, they don't know how to say no. And so, they become really poor at time management that they over-commit to things that aren't necessarily right for them.”  

“In the 21st-century work world, the command and control kind of leadership style is passe. It’s about aligning and empowering people these days.”  

Resources Mentioned:  

  • For your FREE tools to help you find clarity of purpose, download a four-page PDF called ‘Choose Your Boss, not your Job’ and an eBook called ‘Authenticity is the Way’. Click here: 

Connect with Michael Seaver: 

FlowPreneur™ Unshakeable Leadership

The mission of FlowPreneur™ Unshakeable Leadership Podcast is to share proven performance nuggets with Business owners and leaders who want to deepen their impact – at both work and home. We share at least one actionable idea to transform yourself and your team using our “5 questions in 15 minutes” format.