Developing Your Leadership Brand with Christina Holloway artwork
FlowPreneur™ Unshakeable Leadership

Developing Your Leadership Brand with Christina Holloway

  • E23
  • 15:37
  • November 5th 2020

How do you make sense of the success you’re achieving?  

Was it good timing? Luck? And that unclarity probably leaves uncertainty about next steps. 

By clarifying your leadership framework, you can unlock a leadership style that underpins how you want to be seen and heard as a leader. 

As an executive coach, Christina Holloway has over 20 years of experience coaching senior leaders on finding meaningful careers, as well as mentoring business owners and start-ups as their companies grow and thrive.  

Her unique approach to leadership development has landed her speaking opportunities at The University of Chicago and Yale University’s Women in Management Forum. Through her giving program, a percentage of profit each year goes towards helping women escape domestic violence. 

In this episode, Christina highlights successful leaders' inadequacy assumptions about themselves despite their evident success. She shares how she helps these emerging leaders find value in how they were able to do it by spending quite a bit of time dealing with the mindset and making sure that they know there's value in their presence.

What you will learn from this episode: 

  • Find out the three actionable tips to help you assert your leadership 
  • Learn how to find the leadership style that allows you to show your authenticity and uncover your true voice to step up to your leadership role 
  • Learn about the mistakes that young and successful leaders commit to keep moving forward and keep finding opportunities for you to show up to be an empowered leader 

“Ask yourself, who am I as a leader? Who am I as a young or new person showing up to a new role? And how do I want to be seen?”  

- Christina Holloway

Topics Covered:

01:30 - Christina’s unique approach to leadership 

02:20 - Doing a lot of work with the mindset of emerging young and successful leaders 

04:18 - Making sure young leaders know there is value in their presence 

05:55 - The imposter syndrome among young leaders of today 

06:36 - Clients making the mistakes of too many assumptions 

08:16 - Three actionable tips to help young, successful leaders assert their leadership 

11:15 - Download your free resource, ‘Building a Profitable Brand’. Click here: 

11:57 - How can I see measurable results? 

Key Takeaways:

“What I found is that it's been quite important to help people who are emerging leaders, and these are younger people really just trying to learn to navigate the leadership framework.” 

“The imposter syndrome is quite what I'm finding to be the biggest challenge for young, successful leaders these days. And I deal also with introverts.” 

“The biggest mistakes clients are making before they work with me has a lot to do with assumptions.” 

“There isn't just one way to be a leader, there isn't just one way to show up in your authority. There are a number of different ways you can show up.” 

“Ask yourself exactly what am I doing and take a really deep mindful exploration into why am I in this job? Why did I agree to do this?” 

“Who can I work with who supports me? Because what we want is to be reflective of people around us who say, 'I hired you for this reason, I brought you on board.' We need a little bit of confirmation-validation for why we're there.” 


Connect with Christina Holloway:

FlowPreneur™ Unshakeable Leadership

The mission of FlowPreneur™ Unshakeable Leadership Podcast is to share proven performance nuggets with Business owners and leaders who want to deepen their impact – at both work and home. We share at least one actionable idea to transform yourself and your team using our “5 questions in 15 minutes” format.