How to Become an Audacious Leader with Nancy Jonker artwork
FlowPreneur™ Unshakeable Leadership

How to Become an Audacious Leader with Nancy Jonker

  • E1
  • 17:04
  • May 16th 2020

Overworked and overwhelmed?  

Most likely, as business leaders today, this is one of the many challenges you face. 

It’s time to step back, evaluate, determine what your key strengths are, and develop them in order to reach your full potential in terms of leadership. 

Nancy Jonker, Ph.D., is an experienced psychologist and coach. Her professional career, spanning thirty-one years includes teaching, training and workshops, transformational retreats, small and large group facilitation, and speaking.  

In this episode, Nancy talks about the challenges business leaders face at work which consequently has affected their relationship, health, and focus. She also shares how she helps leaders gain back clarity, develop awareness and inner wisdom in terms of utilizing their strengths and purpose to be the audacious leaders who are taking full responsibility for their lives and that of their team. 

What You Will Learn:

  • Learn about the challenges business leaders face today and the solutions to help them move forward and live the life they truly want    
  • Learn how to step up, get clear about your key strengths as a leader, develop them, and harness them to its full potential to deepen your impact at home and at work  
  • Find out how to be an effective and audacious leader that you are meant to be 

“When we can create a culture of respect and freedom where people are free to be themselves and use their gifts and talents, the ones that come naturally to them, then that becomes to be, it grows the culture. We can actually develop that respect and it creates more trust and safety in the group when we lead with that.”  

Nancy Jonker 


Nancy’s Valuable Free Resource: 

Check-out Nancy’s Free Quiz that identifies 10 Hidden Growth Opportunities for Top Leaders: 



Topic Discussed:

01:51 - What does Nancy do and why you should work with her 

03:00 - The reality of leaders being overworked and overwhelmed 

03:56 - What are the manifestations being overworked and overwhelmed 

04:43 - Mistakes business leaders commit before they realize it and get help 

06:07 - One free, effective actionable tip that helps business leaders in moving forward 

08:35 – [Recommended High leverage Activity] Ways to develop a particular strength 

09:52 - The special assessment she uses to determine one's four key strengths 

10:52 - What does a culture of respect and freedom create in a team 

11:06 - One valuable free resource: 

11:41 - Book resource: Atomic Habits by James Clear 

12:18 - What is an audacious leader 

13:03 - What stops us from being effective leaders 

14:52 - What impact does she want to create in the world 


Resources Mentioned:


Connect with Nancy Jonker:

Connect with Bruce Ross:

FlowPreneur™ Unshakeable Leadership

The mission of FlowPreneur™ Unshakeable Leadership Podcast is to share proven performance nuggets with Business owners and leaders who want to deepen their impact – at both work and home. We share at least one actionable idea to transform yourself and your team using our “5 questions in 15 minutes” format.