Mastery Under Pressure With Tina Greenbaum artwork
FlowPreneur™ Unshakeable Leadership

Mastery Under Pressure With Tina Greenbaum

  • E8
  • 26:45
  • July 22nd 2020

With heightened uncertainty so amplified, leaders must somehow balance their own personal challenges but also that of the demands of the organization they lead. Everyone is being pulled in multiple directions. 

Our response to these demands must include increased self-responsibility and self-reflection… and a specific focus on that which we can control… and that is our attitude.  

Tina Greenbaum works with executives who want to increase their performance level in high- stakes, high-pressure situations. She’s an Optimal Performance Specialist and Sports Psychology Consultant. 

In this episode, Tina shares with us the challenge of uncertainty that leaders have to grapple with in today’s pandemic, the pain and the stress that go with it. With her expertise in neuroscience, she’s able to give action steps to combat the different struggles we are facing in our lives today. Central, is the importance of self-awareness to determine the right response to all that is happening around us. Leaders must become diligent self-helpers and self-healers. 

What you will learn from this episode: 

  • Learn how to manage your negative self-talk
  • Discover why it is important to be aware of your blind spots
  • Find out how to be aware in the present moment without judgment

“If our expectations are a certain place, and our reality is someplace different, in between these are frustration and disappointment, so we have to get real with what's real.”

- Tina Greenbaum



Tina’s Valuable Free Resource: 

 Check-out Mastery Under Pressure Quiz at


Topics Covered:

02:02 - What is that one thing we need to be aware of to become better leaders 

02:54 - How big of a challenge is uncertainty for leaders of today 

04:56 - What mistakes do people commit to addressing the challenge of uncertainty 

06:16 - What can we control 

08:02 - How to change our attitude 

09:07 - How to be aware in the present moment without judgment 

11:42 - How do our belief systems influence our positive thinking 

14:21 - Calming down the nervous system to clear the mind and start to think and feel clearly again 

17:12 - Getting past the challenge of setting up a practice to calm the mind 

20:39 - Tips for self-help and self-healing to help out leaders deal with pain and uncertainty in today’s time 

Key Takeaways:

“The more aware we become of our blind spots, the better people we are, the better leaders we are. And so we all need somebody to work as a mirror to help us kind of see things that we just don't see.” - Tina Greenbaum

“When we are in a period of uncertainty, the greater the uncertainty, the greater the anxiety. The more that we have structure, the nervous system can calm down a little bit. And we can proceed.” - Tina Greenbaum

“Mindfulness is being aware in the present moment, without judgment.” - Tina Greenbaum

“I like to say, 'Do my thoughts produce something useful for me?’ And if they don't, then I'm responsible for changing them.”- Tina Greenbaum


Connect with Tina Greenbaum:

FlowPreneur™ Unshakeable Leadership

The mission of FlowPreneur™ Unshakeable Leadership Podcast is to share proven performance nuggets with Business owners and leaders who want to deepen their impact – at both work and home. We share at least one actionable idea to transform yourself and your team using our “5 questions in 15 minutes” format.