The 3 ‘C’s’ of Great Leadership wit Wendy Hanson artwork
FlowPreneur™ Unshakeable Leadership

The 3 ‘C’s’ of Great Leadership wit Wendy Hanson

  • E7
  • 18:42
  • July 16th 2020

More than ever, in this very trying time, communication has to be more clear, empowering questions have to be asked of yourself and of your team in coaching, and connection has to boil down to making emphatic decisions and empathy for your people for more productive results.

As Co-Founder and COO of BetterManager, Wendy Hanson is proud of her company’s mission to help leaders at all levels create a workplace where people can thrive. She is a firm believer that when companies invest in their managers, they are providing the tools to create a positive culture. She is an author, podcaster, and public speaker.

In this episode, find out how business leaders can make a positive difference in the lives of the people they work with and their organizations using the 3 ‘C’s’ of Great Leadership - communication, coaching, and connection.

What you will learn from this episode: 

  • Learn why a good leader-manager struggles to connect with their people when they get caught up in the process of results and sales
  • Discover why coaching skills is crucial to a leader-manager in helping their people find their own answers
  • Find out the empowering questions you need to ask yourself and your people to improve these 3 C’s of great leadership


“What stops us from being a good leader-manager is we get caught up in our own process of results and sales. And when we do this, we forget to connect with the people.”

- Wendy Hanson



Wendy’s Valuable Free Resource: 

 Check-out BetterManager's Leadership Resource Center at


Topics Covered:

01:50 - What are the three C’s of challenges that business leaders face today

02:33 - The important questions you need to ask yourself as a leader

03:00 - What are the important points you need to understand  about these 3 C’s

05:29 - What are the actionable steps you can do to improve in the areas of these 3 C’s

09:31 - Why getting caught up in our process of results and sales stops us from being a leader-manager

11:26 - Free resources you can make use of to help you become a good leader-manager 

12:39 - In this COVID-19 pandemic, we have lots of things on top of us, what is the thing that we need to be most aware of because we've really changed the way we're working?

16:41 - How to make people happy in the simplest of ways today


Key Takeaways:

“We do a lot of teaching and training around delegation because you can't just throw a ball over the net, you have to say, 'Okay, here's where we're heading. Let's set our GPS, make sure we're on the same page.'” - Wendy Hanson

“Coaching skills are really important because we want to help people find their own answers.” - Wendy Hanson

“Connection is about empathy.”- Wendy Hanson

“We don't always use common sense. That's why the answers always seem simple. And my father used to say this when he was teaching me to ski, he said,’It's simple, but it's not easy.’”- Wendy Hanson

“What a good leader does is, they don't just keep doing, they stand back. And they say what's gonna make the biggest difference to the business today? And what's gonna make the biggest difference to my people today?”- Wendy Hanson

“Relationships and connections are the things that will never get old.”- Wendy Hanson


Connect with Wendy Hanson:

FlowPreneur™ Unshakeable Leadership

The mission of FlowPreneur™ Unshakeable Leadership Podcast is to share proven performance nuggets with Business owners and leaders who want to deepen their impact – at both work and home. We share at least one actionable idea to transform yourself and your team using our “5 questions in 15 minutes” format.