Hacks to Boost Your Memory artwork
Mental Health Training

Hacks to Boost Your Memory

  • S4E120
  • 02:09
  • June 5th 2021

Hacks to Boost Your Memory

Have you started finding it difficult to remember certain things? Does your memory seem to be failing you? If this sounds familiar, then it's time to boost your memory using these four easy hacks.

1. Do Memory Task

It may sound a bit strange, but your memory is like a muscle, and the best way to make it stronger is by working it! Numerous phone apps on the market can help you practice your memory, so download one and make a commitment to spend some time on it each day. Daily activity is key to boosting your memory. 

2. Stop Eating Sugar

Sugar can have a huge effect on your memory capabilities, so it's time to put down the sweets and eat something healthy instead! Switch out all of your sugary snacks for nuts, or veggies, and hummus. It's also time to check the sugar content of your morning coffee or tea. You'll be surprised at just how many things in your life contain added sugar that can negatively affect your memory.

3. Exercise

As weird as it sounds, exercise can go a long way towards boosting your memory. This is because when you exercise, your blood delivers the brain the oxygen it needs to boost its memory capabilities. For best results, you should try to be physically active each day. Try to work out for at least half an hour, doing an activity that raises your heart rate and keeps it elevated for the duration of the activity. 

4. Repeat Things To Yourself

If you are really struggling with your memory, it may be time to engage in the "practice tactic." This tactic means you should repeat any information you wish to remember frequently and out loud to yourself. You can also try creating acronyms or motions to go with the words to help you recall them better in the future. Just know that what works for one person may not work for you, so it may take some time for you to discover the best tactic to help you remember!

Losing your memory is a very scary thought which most people tend to face as they age. But luckily, using the above hacks, you can work to boost your memory so that you don't have to worry about forgetting something important. And before you know it, you may have the best memory on the block!

Mental Health Training