How Aspirations Can Affect Our Relationships artwork
Mental Health Training

How Aspirations Can Affect Our Relationships

  • S5E211
  • 02:22
  • April 9th 2022

How Aspirations Can Affect Our Relationships

When you have dreams, you hope that your loved ones will come alongside you and help you achieve them.

This is especially true in a romantic relationship. Sometimes, your aspirations will align, and things will be smooth sailing.

Other times, you may feel like you are on opposite ends of the universe with no way to meet in the middle.

 It is possible to support each other in your respective pursuits. It takes some patience and open communication, but it is doable when you understand how aspirations can affect your relationship.

Relationships vs. Aspirations: How They Affect Each Other

It is vital to understand that your goals, dreams, and aspirations will ebb and flow as you live life. They will also affect your relationships and vice versa. Consider how relationships and aspirations go hand-in-hand or battle it out for your future:

1.    Love has a way of distracting you: That new love will keep you busy with dates and fun activities. This also means you may stop writing or painting daily. You may even skip class or networking events so that you can be with your new love.

2.    You may forgo your dreams, so they can pursue theirs.

It’s not a bad thing to support your significant other as they aim for their goals. What may cause issues is if you are not offered the same support.

3.    Your dreams may change in ways you never thought of:

As you grow in your relationship, you may find that you and your partner share goals and ideals. For example, you may want a strong family unit, so you can set down roots and have children.

4.    You forget your aspirations because life is too comfortable:

Let’s say you want to build an online business, but you find your evenings filled with cuddling in front of the television instead. Hard work sometimes means deciding to forgo the couch.

5.    Your partner may be jealous of your growth:

It is possible that when you decide to refocus on your aspirations, your partner may feel left out. This can lead to jealousy and possibly a rift in your relationship. It’s vital to support each other and communicate openly to ensure you remain a couple. 

Relationships and aspirations can work together when you know what you are up against. Enjoy both by keeping your focus, encouraging each other to pursue interests, and communicating openly. Soon, you will both be on top of the world as an unstoppable force.

Mental Health Training