The Difference Between Positive and Negative Self-Talk artwork
Mental Health Training

The Difference Between Positive and Negative Self-Talk

  • S3E81
  • 04:42
  • December 6th 2020

So many thoughts run through our minds every day. We don't notice many of them, but we often engage in mental dialogues with our inner voice.

We talk to ourselves mentally. Our self-talk can be positive or negative, and which one you let dominate your mind can affect you in many ways. 

Positive self-talk is, of course, the best form to develop. It's not dismissing the negative facts, but it helps us to focus on the good that could happen instead.

Negative self-talk, meanwhile, is when you focus on the bad side of what's happening or when you fear for the worst to come. You tend to interpret and anticipate things negatively.

Negative self-talk can have detrimental effects on you, while positive self-talk can bring beneficial changes in your life. Here's an illustration of the differences between positive and negative self-talk:


Do you tell yourself that you're hopeless? Not good enough?

A failure? Clumsy?

That's negative self-talk. Every time you make a mistake, you dwell on it too much, and you lose your will to try again. It undermines your confidence. 

Mental Health Training